How did they respond? They were astonished.
Remember, Herod had thrown Peter into prison, fully intending to kill him. The only thing he was waiting for was Passover to be finished, then he was planning to put an end to this church leader’s life.
The Christians had prayed and waited all week for Peter. Perhaps if Jesus had freed Peter, or changed Herod’s mind in the beginning of the week, they wouldn’t have been so astonished.
Many are the times that I have prayed for a specific need. Prayed and waited. Prayed a little more anxiously, waited a little less patiently. Prayed with desperation, chewed my nails while tapping my foot, and tried to call it “waiting”.
Then, at the last possible moment there is the Lord.
Calm (the term for this is the Prince of Peace), totally in control (the term for this is Sovereign), and He didn’t need to be informed of my “urgency” ( the term for this is Omniscient). I think you get the idea…
And I didn’t even mention His Mercy, Faithfulness, Grace, and the way He forgives us.
There really isn’t such a thing as a “last possible moment” to the Lord. All the moments are His.
This hymn has corrected my thinking more than once, and I would like to share it with you.
My Father Planned It All
What though the way be lonely, and dark the shadows fall,
I know wher’er it leadeth, My Father planned it all.
What though the way be lonely, and dark the shadows fall,
I know wher’er it leadeth, My Father planned it all.
I sing through the shade and the sunshine, I’ll trust Him whatever befall;
I sing for I cannot be silent, My Father planned it all.
There may be sunshine tomorrow, Shadows may break and flee,
Twill be the way He chooses, My Father’s plan for me.
He guides my fal’tring footsteps, A–long the weary way;
For well he knows the pathway, Will lead to endless day.
A day of light and gladness, On which no shade will fall;
Tis' this at last awaits me , My Father planned it all.
I just read this though you have had it posted for awhile. The Lord knows that I need it tonight. I need to wait on Him. How are you all doing. Sometime write me a personal note with your address. In Christ, Pat