Sunday, March 20, 2011

Love is...

If I could speak with any language to share the Gospel with any people group, and didn't have the love of Jesus- I might as well clang some pots and pans together, for all the good it will do.
If I cannot speak in love- then just keep my mouth shut!
Or, if I had all the understanding and knowledge there was to have, and could solve every mystery...and didn't have the LOVE of Jesus- it is useless. How about if I could pay the bills of every poor person in the world, but had no LOVE- it would profit me NOTHING.
Sound a bit extreme? Keep reading, it gets worse.
Love will suffer- be in pain- and still be kind to others. Love will see things or situations that are much better than my own, and not wish that I could have those things, or change my little set of circumstances.
Love is not constantly trying to get attention, or always making sure "all my bases are covered".
Love doesn't get offended by every little thing.
Love does. not. think. evil. of. others.
Love bears the MOST!
Love believes ALL!
Love hopes the LONGEST!
Love endures the WHOLE WAY!
This love, this AGAPE love, can only come from God.
It continues, because it sees through faith, the things that God sees.
I write this after sitting under six weeks of preaching from 1 Cor. 13~ not thorough, but just a few things I have gathered...from my Father to me.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Couldn't have been said better! WHAT A CHALLENGE TO ME! I may just copy that down here:)
