Friday, June 1, 2012

Dear Mom...

Dear Mom,
   Where do I begin? You and I have always had such a good understanding between us that words weren't always necessary. Oh, how much I miss you! So many days I think about you and wish (with a heart squeezing pain) that we could sit and visit. Or, just touch your soft hand and soak in your unconditional love. Or, play a game (or 40 !) of Skip-Bo, or Phase 10. Or, how about a cup of hazelnut coffee and piece of homemade pie sitting by the lake- either Lake Superior or Lake Kampeska, (sisters- don't laugh, we enjoyed both lakes!). Maybe the thing I miss the most is your heart that was so in tune with God, and you willingly poured His wisdom and love and yes, even correction out on me.
  Now, just think, you are WITH GOD! Amazing!
    My precious Mama, you finished the race set before you and you finished well! You did not turn back to the world, when once you set your face towards Jesus- that is where it stayed! Thank you, for such faithfulness, thank you for being Christ to me so many times, in so many ways.
Tears just come trying to "write" you a letter. Can you read this? Do you need to? Probably not, you are in a place of perfect peace and rest. This is for me~ and maybe for others, to know just how much God blessed our family with you!
    There will NEVER be another to take your place. I admit, I have actually looked. "Searched in vain", would be more accurate. Jesus knew when He took you home that I would be face gut-wrenching grief, day after day, month after month, year after year. Yes, it has gotten some ways. In other ways though, it is worse. To know that life keeps snowballing (weird term to use in summer), and I cannot share it with you. You never promised to live forever, you knew that you wouldn't. Mom, you continually pointed us to Christ. You told us that He would never leave us, that His grace is sufficient, that His mercies are new every morning, that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
    Mom, the example you were to us daughters is absolutely amazing. You got up early every morning, (not just when you "felt" like it), you had your "time with the Lord", you ALWAYS were dressed,shoes on,  hair done, makeup on, perfume on, bed made,  READY before breakfast!!! The house may not have been perfect, or have that magazine look- but it was such a peaceful place to be, that when a handyman was there working he asked us girls "Who decorated our house? No, not the just feels so nice and peaceful I want to stay" !! We told him that it was our Mom and Jesus!
    This letter could go on and on, can't wait till that glorious day when we will be reunited!
I love you Mama, so very much! I am looking forward to seeing you again!
Happy Birthday


  1. 'Read with tears. Your mom was such a precious lady and I recall with such happines the memories of your home in Fremont. It was truly a peaceful place, a refuge I needed at that time! Thanks for sharing your heart!

  2. Thank you Aunt Rachaelle...In a way I felt like you wrote my letter too. Sure do miss her so much!
