Saturday, October 9, 2010

"I have a Goodly Heritage" Psalm 16:6

If there is one thing I would gladly shout from the housetops it is this:

Psalm 16:6 "The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea,

I have a goodly heritage."

So, with this in mind, I would share with you a song that blessed me. It is my prayer that you are blessed too. I do not know the people singing, but the message is loud and clear. I close my eyes and picture my own precious parents!

I may not have riches as some others may
But I have a mother who knows how to pray
And maybe there's some things I've missed in my youth
But I have a father who stands for the truth

I have a goodly heritage
I'm blessed with things you can't see
I have a goodly heritage
And that is worth far more to me

And if in the future, my parents pass on,
To dwell in that City we've come to call Home
They may not leave me the goods of this world
But I have accepted their God and His Word


I have everything, all that I need
All that I need, treasures unseen,
And that is worth far more to me

written by Leah Sandlin


  1. some young people in my church sang this at Youth Conference, wish I could have recorded them- but this is good!

  2. This is such a wonderful song bringing out the truths of that verse. I have a goodly heritage as well. I can also relate it to your parents. They are so special. I am sure you miss them, I know I do. One day we will be home forever and there will be no more good-byes. Thanks for putting this up.

  3. Thanks Rachaelle, I love it...we were truly blessed! May God get the glory continually as we live out that heritage and pass it on to our children. Marilyn

  4. A sense of forever when I hear this.. just as real as it gets ..bless you aLL
